AKC registered American Staffordshire Terriers
Bronze Level Breeder of Merit
AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T member
STCA Member
updated 2/14/25
Entire site revamped! Be sure to check out all of the updates!
We have puppies - please see our 'Available' page for details! We also have exciting news on our 'Breedings' page!
We also have adult dogs available
Home of the beautiful Diego (CH W.R. Eye Of The Tiger Coca, OFA, DNA)
pictured at 9 years old!
pictured at 9 years old!
Welcome to our online home! We are a family based kennel, established in MA, and have recently relocated to SW Virginia. My husband and I have been involved with AmStaffs for over 25 years - and we both agree that no other breed can compare! We are passionate about proper animal husbandry and have devoted our lives to making sure we have the facilities to properly care for our dogs. Be sure to view our 'Kennel & Farm' page to see our kennel facilities, which features a state-of-the-art 60x40 primary building for our adults and a 25x20 secondary building exclusively for our mothers & youngsters.
Our goal is to produce AmStaffs that conform to the AKC breed standard. It is our belief that an AmStaff should be a versatile, athletic, and healthy dog - with overall balance, good bone/musculature, effortless movement - and above all, should possess the depth of character that is so unique to this breed. The number one goal of our breeding program is to produce healthy, conformationally correct dogs who make fantastic family members -- yet can still be competitive in the AKC ring. We refuse to follow "fads" when breeding and are committed to continuing what prior "greats" in the breed have begun, focusing primarily on White Rock and Ruffian lines.
It is without question that AmStaffs make wonderful family companions -- it's what they do best! We have 4 children, all of which have been lucky enough to have our AmStaffs as their best buddies!
Our goal is to produce AmStaffs that conform to the AKC breed standard. It is our belief that an AmStaff should be a versatile, athletic, and healthy dog - with overall balance, good bone/musculature, effortless movement - and above all, should possess the depth of character that is so unique to this breed. The number one goal of our breeding program is to produce healthy, conformationally correct dogs who make fantastic family members -- yet can still be competitive in the AKC ring. We refuse to follow "fads" when breeding and are committed to continuing what prior "greats" in the breed have begun, focusing primarily on White Rock and Ruffian lines.
It is without question that AmStaffs make wonderful family companions -- it's what they do best! We have 4 children, all of which have been lucky enough to have our AmStaffs as their best buddies!
Picured above: headstudies Lilah (CH A Smoky Flame The Beautyfull Angel, OFA, CGC X CH White Rocks If Wishes Were Kisses, OFA, CA, CGC) and Cardi (BISS CH White Rock Lonestar Dallas, OFA, CGC, TT x Jay My Sweet Gem du Temple de Gaia)
CH Absolute's Phantom O'T Opera, TT, CGC, OFAf/ca, PennHIP, DNA
gone but never forgotten
Our dogs and puppies are exclusively fueled by Pro Plan